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Download qBittorrent a free, open source application based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar that runs on all major OS such as Windows®, Linux, Mac® OS X®, OS/2 or FreeBSD (including support for over 25 languages).

The primary purpose of this Bittorrent client is...


Download qBittorrent a free, open source application based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar that runs on all major OS such as Windows®, Linux, Mac® OS X®, OS/2 or FreeBSD (including support for over 25 languages).

The primary purpose of this Bittorrent client is to offer an alternative to other similar torrent managers. The main features are:

- similar user interfaces with µTorrent (for a smooth transition).

- integrated and customizable search: on most famous BitTorrent search sites.

- support for all BitTorrent extensions: Magnet/BitComet, Peer Exchange, DHT, etc.

- advanced control for trackers, peers, and torrents (torrent queueing and prioritizing).

- support for UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding.

- bandwidth scheduler and sequential download.

- IP Filtering (compatible with eMule and PeerGuardian) and IPv6 compliant.

- detailed torrent info: size, status, seeds, peers, download and upload speed, ratio, etc.

Please be aware that while qBittorrent is a free, open source, clean torrent manager software YOU are responsible for the data you choose to download. Do not distribute or redistribute any illegal content. A good example of a legit torrent can be found on the official GIMP homepage - the download section OR Ubuntu download section. There are many other legit usage examples of how qBittorrent can be used.

Download Link:

Dear visitor, if you want to keep the link, you can click on the word free to download a text file with the link and links to our sites; If you do not want to, you can click on the link at the bottom of the blog and go to the official website

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